On Reversability & More

Since its inception, Historic Plaster Conservation Services (HPCS) has developed and constantly improved a process for consolidating lime-based plaster using acrylic resin as a pre-wetting agent, and an acrylic resin-based adhesive as a bonding agent. Our primary focus is on buildings with plaster ceilings of historic, aesthetic or cultural importance.

On Reversability

The processes described here are presented as permanent solutions to problems that cannot be adequately dealt with using traditional methods and materials. As such, these processes are not reversible. HPCS is fully aware of the issues and theory contained in the Venice Charter and other broad statements of conservation and restoration principles. We refer the skeptical reader to Article 10 of the Venice Charter:

Where traditional techniques prove inadequate, consolidation of a monument can be achieved by the use of any modern technique for conservation and construction, the efficacy of which has been shown by scientific data and proved experience.”

We believe that the traditional mechanical refastening technique using washers and wood screws through the face of the plaster is a flawed and unscientific approach. In many cases where this method has been used, deterioration continues until the ceiling – once cherished for its decoration – is grossly defaced by over-painting in an effort to hide the presence of washers.

We believe, especially when the ceiling is noted for its decoration, that hierarchically, the plaster is less important than the decoration it displays. In these cases, the need to preserve decoration without defacing it invites the use of the HPCS consolidation methodology.


For a full description of the materials we manufacture and use, including MSDS and Technical Data Sheets, browse the following pages on this site:


Historic Plaster Conservation Limited is proud of its “No Lost Time Injury” safety record.


Our conservation products are all VOC free and are the wise choice for sustainability and green building compliance. By preserving the existing building fabric, we endorse the statement that “The greenest building is the one that is already built.” – architect Carl Elefante.

Limited Services Provided

While HPCS does not engage in replastering per se, and is not in the business of reproducing plaster ornamentation, we are happy to take on these activities as part of an overall plaster conservation project. Our goal is to work with clients who value the original building fabric and wish to retain it. In unfortunate cases where some plaster has already collapsed, we know of no better model for replication than the remaining plaster consolidated and secured to the structure.

Historic Plaster Conservation Services